Frequently Asked Questions
What is probate and why do I want to specialize in this niche?
Probate is a court supervised or facilitated process that occurs when someone passes away without a Will or when their Will needs to be validated to determine the rightful beneficiaries of the decedent’s assets. This entails the process for transferring such assets to the beneficiaries. Probate real estate represents a tremendous opportunity to real estate agents and investors since these are often highly motivated sellers. To specialize in this niche, you only need to be educated on the probate process to an extent, have accurate contact information, and the dedication to work the leads and follow up with them properly.
Who can take advantage of this opportunity?
Real estate agents, investors, and wholesalers can provide solutions to the heirs and benefit from this profitable niche.
Are the leads exclusive?
Availability is limited in every county to ensure that the competition remains low.
Are the leads for specific zip codes?
You will be provided with probate leads throughout the entire county that you selected.
Are these internet leads?
These are highly targeted, extensively researched probate leads that involve real estate. These are not random internet leads.
Do I have to sign a contract?
We do not require members to sign a service contract, and you can cancel anytime.
Do I have to pay a referral fee on closed transactions from the leads?
This is a subscription-based service that only has a monthly membership fee.
How many leads will I get and how often?
Unlike our competitors, we provide a new batch of leads every 2 weeks instead of every month. This allows you to gain a competitive advantage and produce better results. The number of leads varies from month-to-month but for a large county, there are typically about 150-300 new leads per month. Remember, these are highly vetted and targeted leads, not simply every probate case that was filed. We are only sending you relevant leads that involve real estate. Since you will get new leads every 2 weeks, you will have plenty of leads to work on and follow up with.
What conversion rate can I expect?
While we cannot make any specific claims as to the results you will get, we can say that in our experience, roughly 30% of these leads will sell the inherited property within 6 months and over 80% within 12 months. How many of those you convert to listings or deals largely depends on your effort, skill, and follow-up. In our experience, we estimate the conversion rate to be about 3-8% depending on the above. As an example, if you get an average of 200 leads per month, that’s 2,400 leads per year and roughly 1,920 of those will sell the property within 12 months. If you are good at converting these leads into listings or deals, that means that you could potentially convert 72-192 of them.
Can I purchase old leads?
We don’t offer old leads since many of those properties will have already sold, and because it wouldn’t be fair to our members since we allow a maximum number of members at any given time to minimize competition. However, when you sign up, you will get immediate access to the most recent batch of leads so that you have something to start working on.
How accurate is the data and will there be any inaccurate data?
We provide the most accurate data in the business but there will always be some inaccuracies that are unavoidable.
Did the leads inquire about selling a home?
The great thing about probate leads is that you will often be reaching out to them shortly before they are ready or able to sell the property. They have not inquired about selling their home. We just know from experience that there is a roughly 80% chance of them selling the property in the near term, so your goal is to connect with them, follow up, and set an appointment to list or purchase the property.
Can I export the leads and import them into another database?
Our CSV files are very simple and can be easily imported into any CRM that you use.
Can a team member or assistant call my leads?
While it is advisable to have only someone who is educated on real estate and the probate process call the leads, yourself, or someone on your behalf (team member or assistant) may call the leads. This ensures that we do not oversaturate the prospecting that is being done on the leads.
Is there a free trial?
Due to the nature of the membership whereby fresh leads are provided, we must restrict access to ensure that we are keeping competition low for our paying members.